POMW III – POMW Pistol Intermediate

By Michael Shidoin-dai, Jokokan Frederiksberg, 3. kyu Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do, 2. kyu. Kodosokukai Gensei-ryu Karate-do, september 2013


Once again we were ready to show our wish, to receive instruction/knowledge with an open mind, and to evaluate our progress (hopefully J) within POMW (Project Old Modern Warrior).

This time there were ”butterflies” in the stomach – we were to shot with 9 mm ”rough gun” free, something that I had been looking forward to trying. We were to shoot at ”the Hole”, meaning out in the free open terrain, on a little range surrounded by tall gravel hills.

The exciting element about this was, that we were to shoot standing on a line, without any form of physical barrier between the attendees, which really brought one of POMW’s key words to the front, SAFETY – SAFETY – SAFETY. The only safety factor now, were our own ability to handle the weapon in a safe manner – and of course the Instructors, who were watching us like hawks, with an arm on either side of us J. = SAFETY – SAFETY – SAFETY. On top of that, there had been a thorough brief concerning safety angles on the range, presented by 2 blue barrels, beyond which is was unthinkable to aim!

Before this shooting session, we had performed ”dry training” – POMW technical shooting Handbook, and weight lifting for shooters. A hole day at the range demands a certain physic, both so that the safety would be optimal and so that your energy could be used on learning, focusing and evaluating, and not wasted on ”just” lifting and firing a weapon.


Even with the prior physical training, you get tired, and here it was time for yet another of POMW’s key words – ATTITUDE – ATTITUDE – ATTITUDE. You have to be 100% present to get a good result from the shooting. This is the primary goal with POMW, and here we find the relation to Yakami Shinsei-ryu: 100% attitude – every shot must be a good shot, meaning that you must use POMW technical shooting handbook at every shot.

Over three days we trained different shooting techniques, and I discovered how my attitude changed, from ”just” being on the range, to being ”present” on the range.

Being ”present” meant for me, that I on my own body and through my own results have discovered, how much it means to have 100% right attitude, no matter if you train POMW/shooting or if you train Yakami Shinsei-ryu – or have completely different challenges in your life!

I actually believe that there were a few moments, where I was 100% present, with 100% attitude, and that I can see these moments on the results. As well as I clearly can see, when I in a single or in a series of shots, did not perform optimal. The results clearly showed this.

My own private conclusion: to be present 100% with 100% attitude, demands TRAINING – TRAINING – TRAINING. Not just physical training, but in a great measure, mental training. This is were I think my challenge lays. So that will be my next challenge.

Thank you for some really great, giving days.

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